Step Three – Acceptance
Acceptance gives us the ability to have a natural starting point to change. With Acceptance, we can go beyond merely surrendering our need for control; we learn to accept the past for what it is. We learn to allow the world and those around us to be the way they are. Acceptance affords us the ability to let ourselves and others to take responsibility without blame and excuses. Acceptance frees us from being pre-occupied by anyone or anything we cannot change. Acceptance allows us to have the courage we need to change.
Ready for week three?
Find a quiet spot, turn off your cell phone. (Unless of course you're using it for this meditation. 😁) If you have headphones, put them on. Don't worry about how focused you are, how deep you go, or even how quiet (or loud) your mind is. Either sit up straight or lie down on your back, relax and listen. Do your best to do this every day for a full week.
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